Tag Archives: The basics in breeding lady gouldian finches

Information on how to breed lady gouldian finches

The basics in breeding lady gouldian finches

Before you think about breeding lady gouldian finches, you have to prepare yourself in terms of money, time and space needed for them. You should also prepare first the place where you will keep the babies after the breeding. The babies have to be kept away from the parents after they have been weaned. You have also to decide if you will keep the babies yourself, sale them or give them to a friend or a relative. Once you have taught about the above, then you should be ready to learn more about breeding lady gouldian finches.

How to choose the finches to breed

Look for the males that you want to breed. You have to look for mature finches with at least 6-9 months old. Do not mix the type, look for the one which are of the same species. The breed also should be between the finches which are not related, do not try the inbreed. Choose the finches that look physically healthy, not too obese or too thin. It is good also if you look for the finches with the feathers that look alert and bright. Do not breeding lady gouldian finches, with any genetic defects and look for the finches that are already bonded to one another.

The best time for breeding lady gouldian finches

After choosing the finches for breeding lady gouldian finches, you will have to choose the place to bring them together. The finches normally breed in winter or fall, therefore you should not try to breed them during any other seasons.

Before breeding lady gouldian finches, make sure that the finches are eating diet with enough protein and calcium. The diet where you can get enough of these nutriments is in the chopped egg shell but after boiling it and chopped vegetables. This diet has to be given to breeding lady gouldian finches, from the time the first egg has been laid until the babies have finished their molting

Breeding lady gouldian finches in colony or alone

You can choose breeding lady gouldian finches, in colony or one pair for every cage. Each option has its own advantage and disadvantages. If you breed only one pair for a cage, then there will be no disturbance and no fighting and you will be able to control careful the birds to mate. However this option can make the pairs to fail to breed since there is not stimulation offered by the colony. If you choose breeding lady gouldian finches, in colony, you will be encouraging the breeding which is normally stimulated by the colony. The disadvantage is that you will not be able to control the mates you want to breed which may lead to aggression among the males.

Before you begin the breeding lady gouldian finches, remember to clip the finches toenails to avoid accidentally puncturing the eggs by the birds. Look into the cages everyday to change the water and the food. Look if there is any egg laid and keep the record of the dates they have been laid. However, you should check the eggs from a far since the disturbance can frighten the breeding lady gouldian finches and they can abandon the eggs.

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